Observation image
using Mobile Rose
& MR Preservation Solution

Please refer to the cases observed in Mobile Rose.
Cases will be updated accordingly.

Case No. MR21092301

MR(Mobile Rose) observation image

No cells observed in a plain background
Evaluation of Adequecy:Unsatisfactory

PAP(Papanicolaou Stain) image

Evaluation of Adequecy:Unsatisfactory

Case No. MR21092302

MR(Mobile Rose) observation image

Blood only background
Evaluation of Adequecy: Unsatisfactory

PAP(Papanicolaou Stain) image

Evaluation of Adequecy: Unsatisfactory

Case No. MR21092303

MR(Mobile Rose) observation image

foam cells only in a greenish background

PAP(Papanicolaou Stain) image

Cyst fluid only
Evaluation of Adequecy:Satisfactory(In some local reporting systems:Japan)

Case No. MR21092304

MR(Mobile Rose) observation image

Large and small clusters in pale blue or white
Appropriate at cellular component (3+)

PAP(Papanicolaou Stain) image

Adenomatous goiter

Case No. MR21092305

MR(Mobile Rose) observation image

Large and small cell clusters in dark blue
Appropriate at cellular component (2+)

PAP(Papanicolaou Stain) image

Papillary carcinoma

Case No. MR21092306

MR(Mobile Rose) observation image

Cell clusters with thick cytoplasm in blue
Appropriate at cellular component (3+)

PAP(Papanicolaou Stain) image

Malignant mesothelioma

Case No. MR21092307

MR(Mobile Rose) observation image

Dark blue, large cell clusters showing irregular margins
Appropriate at cellular component (3+)

PAP(Papanicolaou Stain) image

